Kids Stomp – 30 min class
3-4 years. Movement, mime, ballet, jazz and basic tap. Prepares children for more formal classes in their chosen dance style
Junior Jazz A - aged 5 & 6 years . An introduction to dance moves, rhythm, music and simple choreography.
Junior Jazz B - aged 7 & 8 years. Continuing on and building on more skills and technique.
Intermediate Jazz A - aged 9 & 10 years . An extended version of the Junior Class progressing to more complex steps and routines
Intermediate Jazz B - aged 11 & 12 years. Continuing on and building more skills and technique
Senior Jazz - aged 13 & 14 years.
Advanced Jazz - aged 15 years and over
Ladies Jazz 18 years and over. Beginner and adult class. This class concentrates on warm up exercies, jazz steps and combinations.
Tiny Tappers – 30 min class
4-5 years old. Learning how to tap, basic rhythms, musicality and will combine with Junior Tap for the annual concert routing
Junior Tap - aged 6 - 8 years . Learning how to tap, continue the building blocks of our tap foundations, advancing in our skills with additional sounds and rhythms.
Intermediate Tap - aged 9 & 12 years. Continuing on and building on more skills and technique, still suitable for beginners, combinations and exercises become more challenging.
Senior Tap - ages 13+ . An advanced level building upon the skills learnt, suitable for dancers who are new to tap but with a good dance background.
DRESS CODE FOR DANCE CLASSES (unless otherwise specified):
Visit our ONLINE store for THSPA branded tops, hoodies and leggings.
Black MDM Jazz shoes available in our costume shop or online.
Dress Any combination of Black or White (no colours please).
Girls Choice of leotard, unitard, crop-top or T Shirt (not baggy), Jazz Pants or Shorts/Skirt for summer), Black Jazz Shoes, Hair tied back, No jewellery
Boys T Shirt, Long Dance Pants (baggy for movement) or shorts.
Shoes Kids Stomp and Junior Jazz Classes – Soft Jazz Shoes (Elasticised NO LACES)
Intermediate Jazz, Open Jazz, Musical Theatre, Lyrical jazz, Show Group – Soft Elasticised Jazz Shoes)
Senior Open Jazz/Funk - Jazz Boot and/or soft elasticised jazz shoes