primary Drama   ages 6 + 1 hour duration

Through improvisation, acting, games, story telling, self-devised performances and scripted pieces, students are encouraged to develop confidence and creativity.  Group work is an integral part of this class.    There will also be an end of year performance for family and friends.  As well as developing valuable skills these classes are a lot of fun!

We have two primary drama classes . Thursday 4-5pm 0r 5-6pm. Please enrol in the class that best suits your timeframe.


Secondary Drama  Age 12 + years

Students are encouraged to discover their own strengths and to develop self-confidence whilst having fun!  Skills taught include improvisation, development of acting skills, games, scene work and self-devised and scripted performance.  Students will also be able to take part in a production.

PRODUCTION FEE To produce a show there are many costs that are incurred. These include copy right fees, scripts, venue hire, sound & lighting plus make up & costumes hire. There will be a non-refundable Production Fee of $50 per student for our annual THSPA Drama Production held in Term 4. This will be added to the Term 4 invoice for classes.
DRAMA PERFORMANCE IN TERM 4  Students will need to have basic black (shirt and leggings/pants) for end of year production.



Comfortable attire suitable for easy movement.
NO SKIRTS OR DRESSES PLEASE. Comfortable soft soled shoes (shoes are often removed for class activities)